Our Philosophy

Making a Difference

We strive to make a difference by providing independent, objective, unbiased and data-driven nutrient and pest management recommendations to grower clients.

We strive to make a difference by providing industry clients with independent, objective, and quality data to assist in understanding how products, ideas and concepts fit into agricultural production.


We charge growers a set fee for all of our services.  We do not receive any compensation or commission from sales of any product to growers.  This frees us up to recommend the products or practices that best fit each grower’s unique situation.  

Objective & Unbiased

Our decision-making process for providing recommendations incorporates our experience and knowledge with expert opinion from university specialists, product performance backed by valid trial data, principles of integrated pest management, and economics.


Interpreting and using data correctly is essential.  Proper data analysis and application will provide reliable results and trusted performance.  Also, staying up to date on the latest technology and innovations is important to make sure our growers continue to remain productive and handle emerging issues on the farm.  To remain up to date we are active members in professional organizations, attend field days and conferences, review grower data, and conduct research locally.